Read Contract Method
Checking the state of a contract and verifying it.
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Checking the state of a contract and verifying it.
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Most quests verify by reading on-chain data and checking conditions.
At first, we obtain liquidity pools using the following method:
Pool List from documentation
Retrieve meta pool info from meta pool factory contract
Get V2 pool
Retrieve the transaction data (txdata) for the address. We can do this using an API such as EtherscanAPI or a blockchain explorer tool.
Inspect the txdata to see if any of the transactions include calls to the desired function.
If you find a transaction that includes a call to the function, we can verify that it was executed.
Finally, if user get true result, they can mint curve pool object.
In this case, we can check contract's read method is used to verify the balance of DAI.
We verify whether an address has a sufficient balance.
Balance is easy to check. You can check DAI contract read method.