"Whitelist" is used to verify a list of specific addresses at a certain point.This is used for activities such as voting on SmoothieVoter/Gitcoin or using a our testnet demo app (These activities take place in the past).
- SmoothieVoter
We have created a quest of SmoothieVoters(csv) who voted for the PHI.
Using SmoothieVoter csv, we create Merkletree to speed up the verification process.
import * as fs from "fs";
import * as path from "path";
import { createMerkleTree } from "../lambda-fn/object/helpers/merkleTree";
data is a list of addresses
and converts to merkle tree and saves in `lambda-fn/object/quest/data` folder
async function create(filename: string) {
console.log(`processing file`, filename);
const content = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, `data/raw/${filename}`), { encoding: "utf-8" });
const addresses: Array<string> = [];
content.split(/\r?\n/).forEach(line => {
const strippedFilename = filename.split(".")[0];
await createMerkleTree(addresses, path.resolve(__dirname, `data/upload/${strippedFilename}.merkle`));
console.log(`${strippedFilename}.merkle saved`);
// create .merkle
Using .merkle file, we verify requested address
const tree = await loadMerkleTreeFromS3(fileName);
const hashedAddress = keccak256(address);
const rootHash = tree.getRoot().toString("hex");
const merkleProof = tree.getHexProof(hashedAddress);
// if result is true, user can get coupon
const result = tree.verify(merkleProof, hashedAddress, rootHash);
If the address is included in the markletree, it will be true and the object can be obtained.